
Throughout life, most people suffer from mild bouts of occasional heartburn. While occasional heartburn is nothing more than a temporary inconvenience, there is another kind of heartburn that is so painful it often changes the way you eat, live and sometimes even sleep.

In Onslow Memorial Hospital’s Heartburn Treatment Center, we offer testing, medical therapy and minimally invasive surgery to provide relief from painful chronic heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). With a team of board-certified physicians and specially trained nurses, we provide convenience, education and support for those suffering from chronic heartburn.

If GERD has changed the way you live your life, The Heartburn Treatment Center can reacquaint you with a good night’s sleep and your favorite foods once again. But there’s another reason to seek treatment that’s even more important. Studies have shown that when left untreated, chronic heartburn can lead to cancer of the esophagus.

The first step in treating heartburn is finding the heart of the problem. Using Bravo™ pH Monitoring, we can measure acid in the esophagus over a 48-hour period as you go about your normal life. With esophageal manometry, we can measure the pressure present in the esophagus to gain information about how well it is functioning. We also utilize upper endoscopy to evaluate the condition of the tissue in the esophagus, lower esophageal sphincter and stomach.

Treatment options may be as simple as lifestyle changes or a medication adjustment. But for those whose medications are no longer effective or who no longer wish to take medication, a minimally invasive surgical procedure may hold the key to relief.

When stomach acid backs up into the esophagus, it can cause a sharp, painful burning sensation in the chest area between the ribs or just below the throat. The burning sensation – commonly called heartburn – can spread throughout the chest and into the throat and neck.

Heartburn is actually a symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD. In those with heartburn, the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) is not functioning correctly, allowing stomach acid to enter the esophagus where it can burn, irritate and damage delicate tissue. The damage can be more than painful. Studies have shown that when left untreated, chronic heartburn can lead to esophageal cancer. Chronic heartburn is a serious health problem that’s not meant to be endured. Find relief at The Heartburn Treatment Center.